Friday, March 13, 2009

~ Friday the 13th ~

I thought that today's date should represent some strange things. I have posted pics before of Lynn's doll heads. She is obsessed, and I thought it totally appropriate to include those in todays picture fest...She even told me today that she encountered a bidding war last night on Ebay over a lot of dollheads-good news ladies! She was the high bidder. Strange can still be beautiful in the eye of the beholder.....


  1. As I sit at my computer, my 15 year daughter, over my shoulder, Saying, "Now that's some of the creepiest things that someone has ever done in decorating." I like the doll heads, but just can't seem to get that attached to them to collect them! Happy 13th!

  2. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I really love your blog. It's lovely.

  3. I have to agree that doll heads are one of those bizarre fascinations almost like the old mannequins. It takes some people time to get used to them and even then, most probably think it is weird. I think the older the better, and the more crackly the better. My daughters like them but think that they are staring at them sometimes. I wonder what the next obsessions will be......

  4. I don't know how I found you, but I'm glad I did. Old dolls heads are freaky but I still like them..., at least some of them!

  5. I really like dollheads, but the rest of my family are creeped out by them.

  6. Too funny! Your posts always bring a smile to my face! I must say that I find the doll heads a bit creepy but then again many people think that my collection of antique photos is creepy since I don't know the people pictured. As you said-strange can be beautiful in the eye of the beholder:)

  7. Oh, everything is always so pretty when i ocme to visit your world.

    Thank you for sharing 'you'.

    Barbara Jean
