Monday, July 18, 2011

~ Light Part 2....~

~ AFTER.......~

~ BEFORE ......~
As I seem to be on a light kick lately, I thought the dining room should be the next project. Luckily while visiting a local thrift shop several months ago, I stumbled on a wonderful newer chandelier that I thought would go perfect with the dining room colors. ( And at the price of $50.00 who could go wrong...) Or, if I decided to, could be painted later a different color. Question was is this thing going to work? Well it does and I love the results. I bought a cord cover from my friend Dorothy, aka Shabby Y at Lone Star, and here is how it looks.......


  1. Nossa! que lugar maravilhoso esse seu blog, ele é tudo de bom, amei esta postagem bem diferente e in teressante, voce deixou a porta aberta, amiga, e já puxei o banquinho para espiar tudinho, já estou te seguinho com o banquinho na mão. Apareça no coisas de cristal que esta recheadinho de novidades para voce.

    tenha uma boa quinta amiga.

    Bjs cristalinos

  2. I watch you after and before both photographs, you done such a superb and best work and for me it is very much inspiration, really like it very much.
